Malachi 2:13–16
Context and review--Ezra 9:9,15; Malachi 2:11
· Yet, she IS your companion (v.14)- [chabereth] a consort, a partner. He doesn’t use the word from Genesis 2 “helper”- Sharing in the ONE covenant. It is emphasizing the two-way street aspect of the covenant and the LORD is speaking up for the wives in these men’s treachery. They have an advocate (1 Peter 3:1-6).
· Did He not MAKE them one? (v.15) Genesis 2:24 And they shall become One flesh
· And why ONE? (v.15) Good question? For godly offspring. Oneness makes for godly kids, broken marriages don’t.
· Having a remnant of the Spirit? [remnant, residue, rest] God is in the union, the children are set apart.
· “Wife of His youth” (v.15) Notice, not youthful wife. He is reminding them when this all started. You share a story; you should share it to the end.
· Take heed to your spirit- This godly deposit of grace in your marriage lest you squander it away.
THE ESSENCE OF MARRIAGE- Marriage here is described as COVENANTAL COMPANIONSHIP- God has taught us in His word to see our relationship with our spouses in the same way in which He sees our relationship to Him; that is IN a covenant, the New Covenant. You should look at your life from the perspective that you are in a covenant relationship with your partner and that this relationship supersedes your individual needs.
Malachi gives us the Biblical view of marriage; emphasizing the fact that the covenant relationship is more important than the individual's needs. It isn't the wife or the husband who are the critical component, but the "gracious gift of life" which a married couple have been given. Look at 1 Peter 3:7.
IT WORKS LIKE THIS ---You invest into your wife or your husband and you will reap someone who has grown into your perfect fit. Invest means GIVE- But if you simply take from your marriage; it will soon be bankrupt. The purpose of marriage IS TO PRODUCE CHANGE through deep friendship. Marriage is putting two broken people together for the glory of God.
Consider Eccl.9:9 “live joyfully with the wife whom you love" HOW? SIMPLE-
1. ACCEPT the fact that you and your spouse are incompatible-
2. EXPECT you and your spouse will have conflict-
3. INVEST into your spouse looking at what you are becoming-