Malachi - A Dialogue with God, Part 1 - Sovereign Love



Part one- “Sovereign Love”

Malachi calls Israel and Judah to repentance one last time before 400 silent years. This is instructive because none of this is after the fact, but in the middle of the mess. God’s WORD brings the needed hope and renewal, if only they would listen (Zechariah 7:8-11).  This is a wake-up call to spiritual apathy. A dialogue with God.

STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK: The book has six basic disputes, each starting with a claim, then a disagreement, and then a response. The first three expose corruption, and the last three confront that corruption. The book ends with a look to the future and the coming of the Messiah. Using the question and answer method, Malachi sticks his boney finger into their wooly chests, probing deeply into their problems of hypocrisy, infidelity, mixed marriages, divorce, false worship, and arrogance. The book repeats over and over the phrase- “Yet you say”…and the response “When, or how did we say?” How have you loved us? In what way have we despised your name? For what reason have you not heard our weeping? In what way have we wearied you? In what way shall we return? In what way have we robbed you? What have we spoken against you?

Malachi’s first dispute


God tells His people emphatically, that HE LOVES THEM (1:1-5).  Right out of the gate, this is what He lays down of first importance in bringing His people back.

Note: A burden to Israel- The whole nation was supposed to have returned, all the tribes were merged at the restoration.

Note: Something very touching in the opening message of rebuke. It’s like the words of a weeping parent, who seeks to woo back a prodigal son, by recalling to his memory the love that was lavished on him. God’s love is not sparing the people of God from suffering, but He is removing everything that separates them from Him.

Note: “Jacob I have loved, Esau have I hated”- means I have protected your land and given you a place of peace and prosperity. In doing this God was showing His sovereign mercy toward Jacob, not of works, but of Him who calls. (Romans 9:11-13).

Who can deny that this is the number one thing the next generation of young saints will struggle with. “How have you loved us?” Do we have an answer for them? Do they see it? (v.5) The LORD protected Israel from invading wickedness, and they had seen it with their own eyes. God had sustained their lives. It is a sad reality of man’s sinful heart, that the love of God is often least recognized in the very place where it is most manifest. It is among the generation of Christians who inherited a great blessing of faithful churches that they languish in unbelief. Deut.6:20; Matthew 3:17; (He); Luke 3:22 (You); Exodus 20:1; 1 John 3:1-2; Revelation 1:5, 2:4; Numbers 6:22-26; Romans 5:8


1. GOD KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF - Psalm 139:1-4,13-14; Isaiah 49:15-16; Matthew 10:29-31; Genesis 1:27

2. HE WILL NOT LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU – Joshua 1:5-6; Hebrews 7:25,13:5; 1 Corinthians 10:13

3. YOUR EYES WILL SEE AND YOU WILL SAY  “God has been faithful to me”- 1 Thess. 5:18