Malachi’s second dispute: The sad effect of playing church (1:6-2:9)
· DRAWING THEM OUT (v.6) - In what way have we despised your name? “Where is My honor?” “You despised My name”. How? By literally saying just that- He shows how He is really despised by them. How ugly, how evil is it to cheat God with half-hearted, begrudging worship? They had a “Do we have to?” sort of religion. They were not trying to please God but TO SIMPLY appease Him. It can be a subtle difference, but it is a deep heart issue.
· A VIVID THOUGHT EXPERIMENT- (v.7-11) -How have we defiled you? Try treating your boss the way you treat your God- You’d be fired. Is there not just one person who will shut the gate; who sees and is willing to stop this charade? Who will stand up against those who calculate just how little self-denial and active labor a person must give in order to reach heaven? Nonetheless, God’s name will be vindicated in the world, even if God’s people trample it in the dirt.
· THE COLD-HEARTED TRUTH- (v.12-14) This is too much trouble- “God I hate this, you’re messing up everything”. Such a spirit of cold-hearted contempt for God, Christ and religion is something caught by the next generation. “TO SNORT OR SNEER”- [naphach]- to inflate or blow hard. He exposes the deep weariness of their worship and how they ‘snorted’ at the idea of giving their best to God. Remember, we asked the question as we studied the book of Micah, why do God’s people break covenant with Him? The answer was because they stop delighting in HIM. Cursed be the cheat, starting with your priests who do awful things in His presence. They refuse to really give glory to God. To be willing sacrifices- Each week we are reminded that our offerings are a “reasonable service of worship”.
How often do we give GOD the shreds of our time?
How often do we give GOD the weary remnant of our thoughts?
How often do we give GOD the pitiful gleanings of our means?
· BEWARE OF CURSING YOUR OWN BLESSINGS- (v.1-3) We rob ourselves of blessings that we could enjoy if we would stop just playing church. Blessings is the default mode for all of God’s people, but it is we who squander them. We ‘forsake our own mercy’ (Jonah 2:8). We grieve, quench and resist the Holy Spirit, which is the same thing as shooting yourselves in your own spiritual foot. WHERE HAVE ALL THE LEADERS GONE? Leaders of homes, or leaders in the churches will give an account. There is no sure succession of faithfulness if there is not a genuine desire to seek and please God.
· THE LAW OF GOD SHOULD SHAPE YOUR LIFE- (v.4-9) Covenant renewal in the law of Christ is what will keep your face clean.
So, what will do more to drive the next generation away from following God than a sham of worship?